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27.09.2005 08:17:49
xmd 4.5 i just got 4.5 XMD installed on my station. My problem is this; I need to set up my files so that the shop can open it on a 4.5KC viewer (no xmd viewer). They need to be able to open each section to take messurements. Back on CK99 they used to load a cadel that would turn all the appropriete levels on, for that section/plan view. This is where I hit the wall (since viewer no longer supports CDL/KXL function) I was able to add bunch of plate details on the assembly tree using "plate details". Is there a way to add the; core/cavity plan, sections aa-cc to that too??

Is there any other way to to set it up so that they can show core/cavity plan, or any sections with a click of the mouse.?

If I simply export it out form xmd, and open it in the viewer the sub levels are not showing. Also, for each section view, xmd is using sublevels from two diferent levels... I just need to make it simple so that the guy in the shop (with no cad experience) can open it up and check some sizes (possibly hide some things to be able to see clearer)...

I know i'm asking too much, but if we can't figure this out i'll probably have to go back to the old CK99 because my cheepazz boss won't be buying any xmd viewer seats. [Frown]
29.09.2005 15:54:29
xmd 4.5

Never mind, it seams that the new spectrum viewer takes care of that problem. 

However I wouldn't mind hearing if there is any more xmd users outhere (especially 4.5) and if you have any tips and tricks (im just starting to use the software).  I especially wouldn't mind hearing from you if you have some "smart patterns" that your willing to share (so that I don't spend next 2 weeks "trying"  to making them up)

30.01.2006 11:38:49
insert KC files i imported bunch of patterns into kc5.2.1 and it places the patters on sublevels of the active level.  is there any way to stop this? i need it on the active level, not it's sublevels.
30.01.2006 12:41:25
insert KC files

ups that's embarasing

only if i looked an inch down i'd see "level distribution/single level"


17.03.2006 08:15:21
toolbar page up, and page down

"page the toolbar down" and "page the toolbar up" buttons that i have in ck99, are they still available in KC 5.2.1?  I can't find them

17.04.2006 15:13:23
Looking for some one...

See what you can find in here... 

I've been playing around with one, in my spare time, trying to clean it up and make it "good looking", but my artistic skills (as well as my KC skills) arn't something to be desired.

good luck


PS:  Catia Has good Human models in "CGR" format (has no geometry, just an represintation)  I wonder what would happen if someone was to convert one of those using Catia Translator for KC (i don't have one).  My best guess is that it would turn it into an STL file....but then again....

17.12.2007 08:50:34
Forum Activity

it just shows you haw many people actually use Cadkey, on day to day basis.

personaly, i don't like the forum layout here


29.05.2008 10:59:24
Forum Activity i like this A LOT BETTER.
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