This is the CKD Expert main library page, to the left you can see that there are
four basic choices you can choose. Each of the library's to the left will let
you download and submit a drawing or file.
CKD Library The first one is the newest addition here you can find all
kinds of Workshop and KeyCreator drawing files they are organized by version
numbers to make you search easier.
CDL/KXL Library Next there is the CDL/KXL Library in this library are
some actual working CDL's/KXL's as well as some simple CDL's/KXL's that you can
use to add to you existing CDL/KXL program or use them as is.
CDE Library Finally there is the CDE library this is a library that we
hope will bring users together and share their knowledge with other users.
Textures All the texture's you can think of right here starting with
If you would like more information on how I do this
type of simulation please feel free to e-mail Ken at:
I also have a way to simulate a working stamping die, The
functions that I use can be modified to simulate just about any moving parts.
For more information just e-mail us!
These simulations are done in KeyCreator so you will be
able to do interference checking as well as model rotation to view it from all