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23.07.2009 01:14:14
Can you please explain how to replace the faces by using surfaces in a block.
Regards Jack
21.11.2009 06:20:27
question on kc
Hello Sir,
i need to create a complex solid ( tool form die & punch ) by using strip surfaces...can you send a video file how to create a surface from solid ( Complex shapes ) id : jack_635647@hotmail.com..i am using kc 7.5.2....
Regards jack
29.12.2009 00:28:38
Surface Modelling for a complex shape
Please upload a surface modelling tutorial,i need to know how to create a form punch from a strip layout ( Surface Modelling )...I am using KC 7.5.2
Regards Jack edited by jack on 12/29/2009
02.02.2010 04:39:52
question on kc
Hello, Is it possible to save the ckd file to higher to lower version...8.5.1 to 7.5.2 or when the higher version file is it possible to open in lower version....
13.03.2010 06:19:42
Question on Kc 7.5.2
Could you please suggest me how i will go to work a single file ( 150 MB ) with muti users in networking..Is it possible in kc 7.5.2..and how will save the file...
Regards Jack