24.02.2005 07:42:05
What do the users want to see?
I would like to see a tutorial on creating kxl's. Like the basic steps involved,some simple sample kxl's disected, what to look out for, what is possible with a kxl etc.
03.03.2006 14:28:16
Setting Depth
I created this macro to set the construction depth ending up in 2D mode even if I started out in 3d. If I run this macro while I'm in 2d, I end up back in 2d. If I run it in 3d I end up in 3d. what can I do to get what I want. I tried looking in your book. I don't quite understand how to control 2d-3d mode.
// Begin KXL Record
// This kxl is intended to be a Macro Script
// (0xAA54) Set the construction depth
MASKENTITY 0, 1, 41, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 30, 27, 41, 9, 10, 40
// (0xAA32) Pause KXL recording
// Paused for user input
CLEAR xp, yp, zp, adp
DOUBLE xp, yp, zp
GETPOS "Indicate position at new depth", 1
if (@error != 0)
xp = @xworld
yp = @yworld
zp = @zworld
DOUBLE adp[3] = { @xworld, @yworld, @zworld }
SET DEPTH, @zcplane + @depth
// (0xAA32) Pause KXL recording
// Regular recording resumed
// End KXL Record
Thanks In advance
28.04.2006 13:05:34
Batch Exporting Layouts as DWG,DXF,CKD,
Is there any way to BATCH export layouts as dwg,dxf or ckd? I've asked Kubotek numerous times and have gotten nowhere. I design Progressive Dies and put each detail on it's own level in model mode. When I go into layout I create 1 layout for each detail. I sometimes have 100-200 indiviual layouts. My customer want's these individual layouts as DWG,DXF,IGS etc. Right now I have to do them 1 at a time.
02.05.2006 14:11:32
Batch Exporting Layouts as DWG,DXF,CKD,
When I run this kxl, I still have to "Select all.Display>All. How do I get around that? Is there a way to export the layout name as the "Save As"?
Here's what I have, Thanks to Ken H
CLEAR hlayAll, nlayouts int nlayouts, K HLayout hlayAll[0] K=0
:Start GetLayouts hlayAll nlayouts=sizeof (hlayAll)
:Loop IF (K> nlayouts) Goto Done LoadLayout hlayAll[K] Auto // What ever you place here will be done for each layout
Callfunc (0xAAE3) //Export DWG
//End of action K=K+1 If (K< nlayouts) Goto Loop
Done Pause "Finished"
08.05.2006 07:42:04
Batch Exporting Layouts as DWG,DXF,CKD,
Sorry I didn't respond sooner. Unfortunately that won't work. The way or system is set up our tool room requires individual files containing only the 2d info for one detail. An example would be the file for detail 27 only has the 2d info for that detail. That way the Die makers, helpers or machinists can easily call up the detail they are working on to analyze. Any 3d stuff is sent to the tool room CAM programmers.
27.06.2006 13:00:00
Batch Exporting Layouts as DWG,DXF,CKD,
Is what I want possible yet with KeyCreator 5.5.1?
21.08.2006 14:20:44
Batch Exporting Layouts as DWG,DXF,CKD,
Now that version 6 is out, is it now possible?
21.08.2006 16:53:56
Batch Exporting Layouts as DWG,DXF,CKD,
I looked in version 6 and can't find "EXPORT ENTITIES".