oricaqepejibewip Posts 12
Product Name:Socket Tongue for Arcing Horn Product Description: The socket tongue is used to improve the bending conditions of the grooved connecting bolts. The socket tongue and socket clevis has two structural types. Usually, the W security clip is used for those below 160KN, and the R security clip is used for those above 210KN. Price:2.00 Product Website:http://www.mengtalinefittings.com Company Description Yangzhou Mengta Line Fittings Co.,Ltd Address:JiangsuJiangsuYangzhouJiangduXiancheng Industry, Jiangdu Area, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China Descption:Mengta is a Manufacturer of power-line material used in the electric utility and telecom industry. With sales made in over 50 countries worldwide, our products continue to be approved at some of the largest utilities in the world.
Our product supply consists of material used in the distribution, substation and transmission markets. The staff at Mengta has many years’ experience in the utility industry and is well-versed in all areas. Registered Capital:100 EmployeeNum:100 Yangzhou Mengta Line Fittings Co.,Ltd Contact:Wan Telphone:86-514-25211367-0 Fax:86-514-25211367-0 Email:Mengta.2018.2021@aliyun.com Company Website:https://www.mengtalinefittings.com