nivupecicokeqaryny Posts 40
Product Name:Rotary Kiln Dryer Support Roller Product Description: The composition of the rotary kiln dryer support roller: a support roller assembly consists of the supporting components of the supporting wheel, the supporting wheel axle, the bearing seat, the bearing, the gland and the like, and the drying machine generally follows 4 trays. The wheel always... Price:100.00 Product Website:http://www.lyshmac.com Company Description LUOYANG SOPHIA HEAVY MACHINERY Co.,LTD Address:HeNanHeNanLuoYangJianxiNo12JinghuaRoadJianxi District,LuoYang,HeNan,China Descption:1990 Founded LuoYang KaiSheng Machinery plant 2018 Founded LuoYang Sophia Heavy Machinery Co.,LTD Luoyang KaiSheng Machinery plant is established in 1990, located in Jianxi Industry Park,Luoyang City, it covers 5000square meters.
With our own large CNC machining equipment and experienced engineer team to ensure excellent products and professional design&service.our products including Shafts,Gears,Wheels,Pulleys,Sprockets,Rollers,Couplings,Housings,Frames,Molds,Nonstandard machinery spare parts,Wear resistant parts and Structural components. Registered Capital:100 EmployeeNum:3 LUOYANG SOPHIA HEAVY MACHINERY Co.,LTD Contact:Ma Lixiao Telphone:86-379-60267937-0 Fax:86-379-60267937-0 Email:sophiaheavymachinery@aliyun.com Company Website:http://www.lyshmac.com