ihexumaqoweryqymomo Posts 5
Product Name:Toyota Camry Engine Mount Product Description: Toyota Camry Engine Mount,ENGINE SHOCK MOUNT Price:10.00 Product Website:http://www.frotiseauto.com/car-rubber-bush/engine-shock-mount/toyota-camry-engine-mount.html Company Description Guangzhou Unipart Auto Spares Co.,Ltd Address:GuangzhouGuangzhouguangdongBaiyun?Room416, No.695-697,Baiyun Avenue South, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China Descption:Guangzhou Unipart Auto Spares Co., Ltd adopts the business model of setting up sales branches directly in Africa, bypassing large importers and exporters, directly serving small and medium-sized retailers to minimize intermediate links. This business model makes our company’s products have higher risk resistance and pricing power. Under current harsh foreign trade situation, our company has maintained rapid development. With the corporate vision of "To be a famous auto parts brand-owner in developing countries", by virtue of first-mover advantages and resource advantages, we will continue to set up sales branches and factories in developing countries, devote to serving developing countries and responding to the national policy guidelines of the one belt one road. Registered Capital:100 EmployeeNum:100 Guangzhou Unipart Auto Spares Co.,Ltd Contact:YutengZhou Telphone:86-020-38086219-0 Fax:86-020-38086219-0 Email:yb13926407468@aliyun.com Company Website:https://www.frotiseauto.com